Wandering Goat

Travel stuff by Miguel A. Villarreal

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Location: New York, NY

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Arab Season

Is what the locals call it. July and August, being the hottest time in the mideast, are not coincidentally the time of year when the well off Arabs flee for other climes, one of which is frequently here in KL, ostensibly because its a Muslim country but really because it isn't. Though it should be noted that its a center of the Islamic financial universe due to its well developed Sukuk industry (look it up) As a consequence ME food and shisha pipes abound as do their clientele, which are of course Arabs. Also en vogue is the full length Burqa, a questionable development for the equatorial region. Aside from the more revolting sexist aspects of this particular convention, most striking is the fact that males escorting the burqas wear shorts and a t shirt. A fairer shake would be for them to wear three piece suits I think.
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